One More Historical Photo

One more historical photo of the barge since it’s a really great photo mostly because it shows the family so clearly.  Again, probably taken around late 1920s or early 1930s, this photo shows, left to right, Hendrik Dijkema, Elizabeth van Eerden, Jantje Oosting, and Hilje Dijkema (Doug’s grandmother).  Jantje Oosting married Hilje’s brother, Albert, and appears in many of the photos Hilje brought with her from the Netherlands.  We have a few letters written by Albert to his sister in the USA dated from the late 1990s, but of course they’re all in Dutch which isn’t a language I’m all too well-versed in outside of basic pleasantries (hello, please, thank you, etc).  Still, it’s nice to see the two siblings kept in touch over the years, long after Janine had left the family.


    • ianmccauley2014 on 25 March 2018 at 2:48 AM
    • Reply

    Email notification coming through fine thanks!

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